Wednesday, December 9, 2009





动作一:这个姿势要求腰背部紧贴台阶凳,以保护下背部 。两手各握一哑铃,手掌向前,关节冲上。手握哑铃向胸部两侧伸出,高于身体。注意手腕要直,与手成一直线。肘部要刚好低于台阶凳。垂直向上伸出哑铃,两臂 完全伸展,同手腕、两肘与两肩成一直线。数2下,举起哑铃时呼气,举起后数一下,坚持;然后数四下,放下哑铃回原位,吸气。这个动作重复2组10次

动作二:请你平躺在有氧台阶上,使头、背和臀部都在登上。大腿拉向胸部,双脚踝交叉。两手握住一个哑铃向上伸直,然后缓缓向后落下直至脑后,落下时吸气,举起时呼气。请你一定要控制好速度,如果太快就无法锻炼到胸前的肌肉。 重复此动作3组10次

动作三:这个动作既可以锻炼胸部,也可以锻炼你的肩膀和手臂。坐在地上,双腿交叉。双手中间夹一个球(也可以徒手做,即双手紧握),注意使你的小臂与地面平行。双手挤压球,感觉胸部用力,请保持1~2秒,然后松开。 重复此动作2组20次

动作四:俯卧撑。 这个动作很常见,不过我每次做的时候都是双膝着地的。如果你有力量,可以按照图示来进行锻炼。 此动作2组10次



动作一:请你平躺在地板上,腹部紧贴地面。双手交叉置于脑后,轻轻地抬起头部,使胸部离开地面。注意不要用力过猛。然后回落,请你控制好速度。 重复此动作2组15次

动作二:双腿分开站立,膝盖弯曲。胸部向前倾,但是背部始终保持挺直。双手持哑铃,向两边水平提起,感觉到背部肌肉在用力。 重复此动作2组20次


动作四:这个动作锻炼你上背部的肌肉。双腿分开等肩宽,膝盖弯曲。胸部前倾,左手按在膝盖上,右手持哑铃向脚尖方向尽量放长,然后用背部的力量回拉至臀侧,注意胳膊不要弯。 请你控制好速度。 这个动作重复2组15次

动作五:平躺在地上,双腿分开,膝盖弯曲。然后用手臂和脚的力量撑起身体,你的背部、臀部和大腿都离开地面成一直线。保持这个姿势,将你的右小腿向上伸直,再回落。 在动作中,请你注意背部肌肉的紧张。 这个动作每侧重复5次



动作一:站立或坐姿,右手持哑铃(3~5磅)。右手弯曲在脑后,尽量下垂,然后拉起。重复此动作2组,每组10次。 左右轮换


动作三:站立、背保持挺直。双手持哑铃,重复抬起放下的动作3组,每组20 次

动作四:俯卧撑。 这个不用多说了,大家跟着图片示范做就可以了,2~3组10次

Tips to slim up ur pet pet (10分钟大屁屁就修炼成小电臀)

[转帖] 10分钟大屁屁就修炼成小电臀(组图)














好简单的运动,可以试试。。。(sister- sister come and try this easy exercise to slim up ur put put la ( it only 10minits /day)

Monday, November 2, 2009

How to be happy during sad times

Everyone has times when things are not going well. It could be that you have experienced a loss or a disappointment, that work or school is not going so well, or simply that your relationship is going through a rocky patch. These tips are for when you are feeling down. If you suspect you have clinical depression you should consult a doctor. Seriously...haha...see me also can..

Steps to be happy:

  1. Talk to someone like parent, spouse, or a friend. Often the things that are worrying or depressing us seem worse when we hold them inside. the very act of talking about them can make them seem smaller and less significant. Also, remembering that the people around us really care is very cheering.
  2. Draw a picture of your feelings. It's a good way to vent negative feelings without hurting anyone else around you. It really doesn't matter whether you are any good at art or not - the idea is to let go of the thoughts and ideas that are building up inside you.
  3. Write a list of your "blessings". Writing down everything you have to feel glad about might sound a bit "Pollyanna-ish" but it does sometimes put our woes in perspective.
  4. Find your "Happy Place". Close your eyes and picture a place where you were very happy. Try to remember how you felt there. Remembering a time when you felt content and at ease will remind you that this period of your life will pass and you will feel happy again.
  5. Get out and about. Don't sit at home moping, this will get you nowhere - going out and getting some fresh air will take your mind off feeling glum.
  6. Exercise. Exercising releases chemicals in your brain which lift your mood. Go for a run, a swim, take a walk or go to the gym - whatever takes your fancy.
  7. If you can play any instrument, you could play it.It may work, distracting you from the sad minds.It`s kind of "Killing Sadness"
  8. Remember to laugh! Laughter is a great way to distract yourself from life's woe's.Meet up with friends and share good times.Even try a comedy club - they serve drinks/food so why not make a night of it.

To my dear friends,
Hey, there? Doing something positive can really lift your mood now. I find out that housework really helps as it makes you get up and do something and results in a satisfyingly clean house. So, what are u waiting for ?? My housemate: tt, jo, jihouh, ZX, YP,and ah leong.....haha!! u all can do this too, fast action now...clean our house and wash toilet la....
"Some people" self-medicate when they are feeling blue. Avoid using overindulging in food, alcohol, shopping, or exercise to cover up your feelings as this can lead to a very destructive vicious cycle. Don't go mamak to have supper when u feel sien lo.....hehe...

Wish you all happy always...